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How To Get Income As Youtuber From Zero

How To Get Income As Youtuber From Zero

How to get income as a youtuber from zero?
Every day, five billion Youtube video are watched around the world. And they're not just being watched they're being devoured. The average YouTube session by any one viewer is roughly 40 minutes, up 50% from the previous year, according to Omnicore.

If only there was a way to make money off of a website people spend so much time on. As a matter of fact, there is! A few ways, actually, and the proof is in the people (and businesses) who've cashed in on their video strategy. 

Who's making content worthy of a nearly hour-long visit to Well, YouTube isn't just for amateur filmmakers and people videotaping their zainy housepets anymore. Musicians, TV networks, small businesses, and the self-employed all find monetary value in posting their own amazing content on a YouTube channel.

An active, entertaining YouTube channel which is free to make through a Google+ account (also free) strengthens these users' brands and extends their reach to new audiences. It can also build a base of subscribers that other companies using YouTube will actually pay to advertise their products to.

Before launching a YouTube channel for the purposes of making money, you need to decide what kind of profit you're interested in. Are you looking to use YouTube as a promotional outlet for your own products and services? Or, do you want your video content to generate ad revenue right from YouTube?

There are two ways to earn money on YouTube: as an advertiser and as an ad platform. As an advertiser, you pay YouTube for Preroll, Bumpers, or TrueView ads that get your videos in front of potential buyers. As an ad platform, you publish videos that are watched enough to host others' content as a paid affiliate or YouTube Partner. There are two ways to earn money on YouTube: as an advertiser and as an ad platform. As an advertiser, you pay YouTube for Preroll, Bumpers, or TrueView ads that get your videos in front of potential buyers. As an ad platform, you publish videos that are watched enough to host others' content as a paid affiliate or YouTube Partner. 

Here's a breakdown of both monetization strategies, along with remarks from the YouTubers who've successfully made money using each strategy. Want to jump to a specific point in this article? Click the following links to jump to each YouTuber, how much they're estimated to make, and how they're making it. 

1. Be an Advertiser

As an advertiser on YouTube, you're populating your YouTube channel with video advertisements made by you. The difference between YouTube ads and, say, TV commercials, is that you get to show YouTube ads to more specific and often more engaged audience segments. You'll pay YouTube to host your ads on other, highly watched YouTube channels that appeal to the same viewership you're targeting.

The channels on which you host your video ads can range from big brands all the way to individual users who've made videos that are a hit with your audience.

When advertising on YouTube, you should know going in that you're playing the long game. It can be scary to pay others for top video slots that don't guarantee you'll be seen by your ideal buyer let alone get click-throughs to your website that you can convert into long-term customers.

But studies show these ads do pay off for advertisers during their time on YouTube: Those who see a TrueView ad (we'll explain what those are in a second) are reportedly 10 times more likely to take the action prompted in the ad than the viewer would be on their own.

Here's a rundown of your three advertising options on YouTube:

TrueView Ads

Who does it: Clash Royale

YouTube revenue: $2,600 – $41,600 per month

Got a great story to tell that also has a connection to your product? True view is for you. TrueView ads are your opportunity to create high-quality, longer creative spots that appear adjacent to the YouTube videos your target audience is already watching. These ads come in two forms: In-Stream and Discovery.

In-Stream videos play right before the YouTube user's selected video, "in the stream" of that chosen video. Users can opt to skip this video after five seconds of it playing, as shown below, and jump to their content. In-Stream ads can be between 12 seconds and six minutes in length.

Discovery ads appear on the right sidebar of a selected video, just below the "Up Next" video as a suggested result. See how this one looks below. Etc. Other The convenience and far reach of the internet has given millions of people the ability to make a living by monetizing just about any skill, talent or opportunity. But, as is the case with any moneymaking venture, a lot of misconceptions surround certain strategies. Think: YouTube. 

Specifically, you'll consistently see that platform's name rise to the top in articles about making money from home. Yet, while you can certainly make money with YouTube, that objective is not usually achieved in the traditional manner everyone wants you to believe.

In fact, to make money from YouTube, you have to dig a little deeper and establish a more sustainable strategy.

The challenges of making money from YouTube

The YouTube myth goes like this: Post some videos, attract viewers and then cash in on revenue generated from ads. It sounds simple and effortless, so that’s the story everyone regurgitates and uses to sell get-rich-quick schemes. However, the reality is that you cannot make a healthy income based on YouTube ad revenue alone.

“Even if advertisers are paying a decent amount to promote their products through video ads, only a portion of their expenditures ever make it into content creators’ pockets,” says entrepreneur Michael J. “For example, if advertisers are paying an average of $20 per 1,000 ad impressions, the videos where those ads are being shown may only generate $2 or $3 per 1,000 views.”

In other words, you’re only going to make a couple of thousand dollars for every million views. And, make no mistake about it, getting millions of views is very challenging. The good news is that YouTube ads aren’t the only revenue-generating opportunities for creative individuals willing to work hard and develop actual business plans.

Alternative solutions for generating YouTube revenue

In order to earn a healthy income from YouTube, stop viewing that platform as a monetize-able medium in and of itself. Instead, think of YouTube as the catalyst. The real way to make money from YouTube is to leverage its massive network. Here's how:

1. Sell your own goods with Shopify.

Did you know that YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world behind Google? From a marketing point of view, it doesn’t make sense to ignore this massive resource. One of the best money-making opportunities is to use YouTube to sell your own physical products.

Let's assume that you already have a product to sell. You can set up an ecommerce storefront using a resource like Shopify, then produce videos that fit into your product’s niche. At the end of the videos, you can produce calculated CTAs that funnel traffic to your product landing pages.

(This article is being revised)


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